I have always felt like that Superman's "S" was always to obvious. It should not just be a "times new roman" "S" pasted to his chest. It has more meaning than that. It's his Kryptonian family symbol for crying out load!! I have tried to make it more than just an "S" but still have it recognizable as an "S".
I also wanted his suit to be updated to fit a more modern world. I got rid of the red underwear because it seems ridiculous to have this as part of his design in this day and age. Instead, I added the gauntlets to his forearms to help add more red accents pieces. I attached the symbol to his cape to make it one piece that comes down over his chest. I think this helps makes him look more powerful and imposing.
Most use a shade of yellow and some even use black for the color behind the "S" in their suit designs. I felt like both were too harsh for this look and went with a darker shade of red.
I left the look of the boots mostly in line with what is traditionally done for his suit.
So there you have it. I would love to know what you think.