Monday, August 22, 2011

Final Elevate Student Ministry Logo Layouts

Here are the final logo layouts for Elevate Student Ministry.  Not much changed from the last post.  About the only thing different is that I eliminated the version that had the mountain in the "A" over just the text.  I thought it was redundant and too similar to the layout that has the fading and transparent mountain.  Let me know what you think...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Agents of Change...

Quick logo design for another ministry apart of Harvest Christian Centre.  This ministry focuses on people entering into college and stepping out into the career field.  Catalyst basically means, if you break it down into a simple definition, something that causes change. It's often used in dealing with scientific jargen. The question is what is the change we are talking about here? The change is the cross.  When the cross is applied to your life, everything changes.  Then the cross becomes central to your life, you in turn become an agent of change. The idea behind the logo is all based on this.

The overall design is rather simple.  I wanted to design something that had an almost "scientific" look to it because of the scientific use of the word. I started thinking about protons and neutrons and stuff like that and how they where normally represented visually.  I thought about the complete atomic change that happens when you introduce a new element into the mix.  Just like the cross. 

I also wanted this logo to have a similar look to the "element youth ministry" logo because of them both being under the same Church ministry umbrella.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Batman Redesign

Final line work and color for my take on Batman.  I used a muted color palette on the Dark Knight to contrast the bright, vibrant colors of my Superman design.  If I was going to do this over, I think I would reexamine my solution for the belt.  The more I look at it, I think it might be a little clunky.  We'll see what happens.  Stay tuned, maybe next I'll work on a certain heroine who has been seen flying an invisible jet.  I know, that didn't really make any sense.  Neither does an invisible jet. : )

Friday, August 5, 2011

Holy Batman Redesign!!

So I did a Superman redesign a while back and almost immediately started doing a Batman design right after I finished.  Then life happened, lol.  I became so busy with other things & other projects that this was buried under piles of stuff on my desk. 

In recent light of and in total disgust of DC Comics "relaunch," (which is really a reboot, but don't argue with dc fan boys, you can't win) I decided to finally finish this.

Above are scans of all my preliminary work up to the finished line work. In the first image of the line up, I stole the legs from my Superman design so they would be similar in design and because I was feeling lazy.  Hey, I'm honest.  Don't judge me. 

Obviously the legs changed as I changed the over all look of my Batman, which by the way, happened about a billion times in my head and translated into about 3 times on paper.  I couldn't make up my mind what kind of Batman I wanted my Batman to be.  Technical with a lot of armor and gadgets or sleek and streamed lined? Ultimately I think I was able to merge the two ideas to some degree.  Overall, the costume is fairly simple.  All the classic Batman elements are there, minus the underwear. That was an easy choice.  It's sleek with out the look of armor. It reminds me that under the cowl is just a man, not a "superman." My design allows for focus to be on his skills as a detective and as a martial artist, two of Batman's core elements.  The utility belt is deigned to show the technical side of Batman.  I wanted to make sure that the belt was able to contrast the simplicity of the suit & at the same time reiterate the fact that he is just a man.  He needs the bat-a-rangs, gas pellets & shark repellent to help him get the job done more effectively. Oh, and the grappling gun to scale all those buildings in Gotham. Not sure where he keeps that though. : )

The finished line work on the far right was all hand done with a few elements, like the batman symbol and parts of the utility belt, being drawn in  to photoshop after it was scanned.

Final color version coming soon...stay tuned, same Bat-time, same Bat...uh...Blog!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Harvest Christian Centre Billboard in Action

Here are a couple of pictures of the actual billboard I posted the design for a couple of weeks back. The billboard company had it printed and hung up early this week. Pretty cool feeling to see your work in actual use. It never gets old. : )

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Elevate Student Ministry Layout Options

Okay, here's what we have come up with for the "Elevate Student Ministry" logo. Notice I said student, meaning the client liked using "student"over "youth" for the logo. The client also likes the blue and blue/grey color scheme as opposed to the others I had shown them.

I also came up with a few other layouts for the logo utilizing the different elements of the original design. Not intending to use them all but I wanted to explore the possibilities. I personally like the one with the faded mountain in the back and the bottom layout with just the text. One more go at it and I should have everything finalized.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Elevate Student Ministry Progress Work

After settling down on a design, here is what the logo has advanced into. Working now to decide which is a better fit for the design; either "student ministry" or "youth ministry." Also trying to come up with a color scheme. Next step, after the before mentioned is finalized, is to make alternate layouts/versions of this design to use in different instances.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Elevate Student Ministry Preliminary Work

Here are some quick sketches for a logo I'm currently working on for another local youth group. The group's name is "Elevate." I'm trying to work out concepts now but I keep coming back to mountain imagery. The group's leaders focus on teaching youth to "rise above the enticements of this world." I guess that's where the mountain theme I keep coming back to comes from. A verse from the Bible, which also fits in line with the mountain imagery I keep coming back to is Mathew 7: 13-14: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." That verse reminds me of a mountain and how it is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top which fits perfectly in line with the youth group's teaching. Another thought I had is about how difficult the climb up a mountain can be but the verse from Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," shows us that we don't have to be alone on the climb. Trying to work all this into the logo. Wish me luck.