Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Footlloose VW Beetle

Ah, the things we do for love. My wife was put in charge of decorating for a local festival by her place of employment. The place she works decided to use "Footloose" as their theme for this event. She asked me if I could create a large cut out of the VW Beetle Kevin Bacon fixes up in the movie to use as decoration.

Of course I said yes. If your wife asks you to help out, you better help out. Free advice for the day.

I decided making a vector graphic of the VW beetle would be the way to go. Since I was kinda pressed for time, first looked inline to see if maybe there was a suitable vector graphic of a VW Beetle I could use as a jumping off point. After some searching, I found this:

Not a graphic I would ever want to use "as is" but I thought it was decent enough to get the basic shape. The color is horrible. Looks like someone picked their colors out of MS Paint. Anyway, I need to turn that into something that looked more like this:

This is actually the VW Beetle from the "Footloose" remake but it's was the best profile shot I could find of the car. For all you Footloose purists, get off my back. As you can see, there are several differences between the vector graphic I found and what it needs to look like to make it more authentic looking. After a lot of details were added, more dynamic coloring, and some drawing changes, it turned into this:

What do you think? I'll post some pictures of it (when I have some) of how we used it as decoration.

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